Hawaiian Hula

Hawaiian Hula

Dance, Culture and traditions from Hawai'i

The Hula is one of the styles of the big family of Polynesian Dance.

The hula is a very ancient art form. It is the richest form of artistic expression of the Hawai’i. Originating in religion and worship, the hula was a complex system for preserving legends and facts, honoring rulers and celebrating the beauty of their land. It had different functions from prayer to entertainment. The traditional themes include religious prayers, songs in honour of deities and rulers, historical events. Birth, love and death were commemorated in the poems sung. The hula therefore represented a link between the spiritual and natural world.

In the hula different arts are involved: the dancers sang and played musical instruments, the singers were moving to the rhythm of the accompaniment of percussion. The most important element is the text, with poems that incorporated different levels of meaning that could be interpreted in different ways. As an oral tradition, those who performed were a visual manifestation of poetry and had to be properly dressed.

In its traditional sense, the hula was a way of life. The dancer was considered an instrument of God’s work and represented the beauty of the world of God.

Hula dancing is a complex art form, and there are many hand motions used to represent the words in a song or chant. For example, hand movements can signify aspects and elements of nature, such as a flower, the sun, the wind, the mountains or a wave in the ocean, they can represent also feelings and emotions, such as fondness, love. and actions such as speaking, hearing, seeing and many others.

Hula has many health benefits such as weight loss and boosting energy. Hula is a low to medium impact exercise. it is good for your abs, back and hips and helps tone and strengthen your legs. Hula dancing also helps to improve your memory, balance and coordination.


Discover with us the rich culture of Hawai'i through Hula

With Expression Dance Academy you will discover the richness of Hawaiian culture and tradition Hula dance is strictly connected with the Hawaiian history, tradition and culture.

Through the sweet steps and the graceful hand movements we will learn this unique style of dance.  We have the right class of everyone from beginners to advanced students. If you are a beginner you will start to learn the basic steps and movements of Hula and you’ll discover the meaning of the hula gesture. We will learn how to describe the lyrics (mele) through the dance. Intermediate and advanced students will have the possibility to improve their technique and challenge themselves with new combos and new steps.

Hawaiian Hula is for everyone, discover the harmony and the connection with yourself and nature

Enjoy learning Hawaiian Hula with us and enter the stunning world of Hawai’i.

Online courses & Tutorials

Our online courses and tutorials are pre-recorded courses that you can watch whenever you want and from anywhere in the world. You just need a tablet, mobile or computer and an internet connection to enjoy our lessons. 🙂

Learn new steps, understand and practice steps that you need to improve, learn new choreographies! 

All our classes are easy to follow with the possibility to watch them more than one time. We have a wide range of classes from dance technique, steps practice, choreographies but Expression Dance Academy is not only about dance technique… through the dance you’ll discover the beautiful world behind these dances: besides dance technique classes, practice and choreographies you’ll find classes about tradition, culture, music, rhythms and much more!

Buy the course you like and choose between different courses of technique, choreography, special lessons of theory and practice all divided in different levels.

In order to access and to buy our recorded classes you just need to register with a login and password and buy the course you prefer!

Events and Workshops

Join our special classes, workshops and events! With us you’ll have the possibility to study with international teachers and discover new styles and new aspects of Polynesian Dance

Our next event will be scheduled soon!


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